Counseling Center Services for LGBTQIA2S+ Students
Resiliency and LGBTQIA2S+ Students
Although students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ face many obstacles during their college career, they also demonstrate great resiliency. Here are some helpful protective factors to always consider during your college career:
- School safety and classroom safety
- Peer support
- Involvement in the campus community (campus clubs, leadership organizations)
- Connections to positive role models on campus (e.g. advisors, mentors)
- Family support and acceptance, especially when disclosing sexual identity
How the PCC Can Be Helpful for LGBTQ+ Students
Students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ are more than twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition*
- Students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ may struggle with a low perceived sense of social support, familial support, institutional support, stigma and harassment*
- Students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+at a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts than the general population*
- Students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ are more likely than others to have substance abuse problems
We Can Help With
- Relationship conflicts
- Academics
- Sleep difficulties
- Substance use
- Depression
- Anxiety
- LGBTQIA2S+ related issues
- Trauma and assault
- Identity development related issues
- Balancing the life of a student athlete
- Eating/Body image related issues
- Family and personal crisis
- OCD and Panic disorders
Additional Campus Resources
- Dean of Students: 401-865-1782
- Health Services: 401-865-2442
- Campus Ministry/Chaplain: 401-865-2216
- Public Safety: 401-865-2222 (Emergency)
- Title IX Confidential Advocates (Sexual Assault & Dating Violence)
- The Center @ Moore Hall – Center for Arts, Culture, and Social Justice
- The Center for Orientation, Transitions and Leadership (PC1G, Peer Mentor)
- SHEPARD Club (Stopping Homophobia Eliminating Prejudice and Restoring Dignity)
Click here to download a PDF brochure of this information
Contact Information
Personal Counseling Center
Lower Bedford Hall
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm during the academic year
If you are experiencing an emergency on campus, please contact Public Safety at 401-865-2222. For off campus emergencies, contact 911.
After hours mental health support:
Call 401-865-2343 and press option 2 to speak with an on-call crisis counselor when the office is closed.
Please do not use email to contact Personal Counseling Center staff for urgent/crisis purposes